

True love should be transformative; a process that amplifies our capacity to cherish not just one person but all people. It can make us stronger, lift us higher and deepen us as individuals. Only to the extent that we polish ourselves now can we hope to develop wonderful bonds of the heart in the future. If you are neglecting things you should be doing, forgetting your purpose in life because of the relationship you’re in, then you’re on the wrong path. A healthy relationship is one in which two people encourage each other to reach their respective goals while sharing each other’s hopes and dreams. A relationship should be a source of inspiration, invigoration and hope.
-Daisaku Ikeda



If you summon your courage to challenge something, you’ll never be left with regret. How sad it is to spend your life wishing, “If only I’d had a little more courage.” Whatever the outcome may be, the important thing is to step forward on the path that you believe is right. - Daisaku Ikeda



Super Early Celebrations with family :D

Eve with KAAPians

Big day at Soul Out, KL (boss belanja hahaha!)

First time ever at Zouk! 

very touched ;') 

thanks for coming all the way to KL :D

Garden's parteyy!

I am 22 now! Full of excitements and dreams in my 22.
Self identity-Determination-Sports-Sharing




1 Year 2 Semesters

See you after 2 Semesters!

I will definitely improving myself before I go to the new world!!!


I Love Me!

We are all constantly learning new skills everyday - cooking, languages, sports and so on. But I realize the skill of learning to be loving yourself is one of the most important skill that we should learn!

I love me! It sounds too simple, mushy and new-agey! If you are not happy with yourself, your body, your soul, then you will become insecure or soul-less. Most of us think we are not good enough. For instance, if you think you are too fat (99.99% of girls will think the same zz), your stomach has no six pact, your hips too wide and the list will goes to infinity. With your dissatisfaction, you will be losing confidence and unhappy in your work & school and many bad consequences.

If you do not love yourself, how do you expect other people to love you? That's why learning to love yourself is one of the important skill that you Must master! How do we get started to love ourselves?

The answer is simple - "Practice makes perfect". Self-image wasn't formed overnight so it's ok to learn loving ourselves. I always believe the beautiful heart will reflect on their appearance. It is important to learn how to be appreciating and loving ourselves. There is no complete guide to learn how to love yourself but there are some tips taken from zenhabits.net for trying out:

Old movie

Remember the "T.G.I.F" MV by Katy Perry? Imagine an old movie about the old self where you have: a flabby stomach, fat, aren't lovable, weird braces etc. Realise that this person it is not true and the reality can be changed.

New Movie

The new movie will replace the old movie where you are a gorgeous lead actor (that's you!) whith great visual effects and many excitement! Then you are passionate, gorgeous, smart, friendly, kind and loving! When negative image come into play (my boobs are too small!), cut them off and put better image in your play!

Consciously and sub-consciously play the new movie

Put the new movie in the projector and play it! Practice is just like your new religion and you will get better with constant practice!

Learn mental judo

There will be certainty things coming all around to attack your new movie. When the hurtling words come to you, learn to lean to one side and let them whiz by.

‘You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.’ ~Buddha

You are already perfect, you just need to realize it and no need to do anything to solve this problem! I LOVE ME! I hope you love yourself too! 
